This page is designed to help answer certain Frequently Asked Questions about Scouting and the troop.


How do I join the Boy Scouts of America?

Joining the Boy Scouts is easy.  To find out where to register, click here or go to www.scouting.org/nav/signup.html.


What exactly is Scouting about?

According to the BSA website, Scouting has three specific objectives, commonly referred to as the "Aims of Scouting."  They are character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness.  Scouting is an excellent opportunity for a boy to build character, morals, and remain physically fit while having fun.  Check out our scouting webpage to find out more.


What kinds of things do you do?

Scouts do a lot of things, especially in the outdoors.  We do things such as camping, backpacking, fishing, canoeing, boating, rifle shooting, archery, trips to national and state monuments, participating in parades, regional competitions, summer camps, and community service.  Check out our events page to find out some of the things that our troop has done and is panning to do.


Is there any fee?

Yes.  There is an initial and annual registration fee.  The scout will usually pay monthly dues as well.  These are to help pay for new camping equipment, transportation, site fees, and food.  The scout will also have to purchase the Boy Scout uniform and handbook as well as other supplies.  However, if you cannot afford, financially, to join scouting please talk to your local troops and leaders, who will usually be able and willing to help those who would like to join scouting, but cannot afford it.